Orrig's Pep Talk
Posted September 26, 2017 at 02:25 pm

Thanks for your patience, everyone.

Once, I worked in a Michael's Framing Shop. One day, my manager made me put down everything I had in my hands and look her in the eye so that she could give me a little speech that lasted less than a minute. Because of that, there was not a single day afterwards that I had any anxiety about my job or how well I was doing. This was only a year or two ago, which, strangely, is an embarrassing thing to admit, but she was an excellent boss and was a direct influence for this speech of Orrig's. 

So, Erin, if there's even a slight chance that you're seeing this, I want you to know that you're one of the best bosses I ever had. And anyone else who has anxiety at their jobs, new or old - there is no doubt that you are doing your best under whatever circumstances require of you. It shows. 

And now, for a bit of news:

The comic is going on break for a week or so. Our current workload is simply too great to manage everything at once, so we're taking a step back from this project to take care of some other things. I'm hoping to return in a week, but if anything changes I'll be sure to let you know as soon as possible.