Towards the Light
Posted March 16, 2017 at 11:02 am

Woof, all right then. 

HEY - heads up:

the comic will be going on break from March 30th to April 18th. 

I am, once again, feeling super burned out, and page 23 is a good place for us to pause and take a breather. We'll be finishing up this wild and crazy ride, and getting back to talking heads and rather ominous conversations from here on out. THANK GOODNESS!

I'll probably post some awesome pieces of fanart we've been receiving lately, but if you would like to have some of your own work spotlighted and posted to the site during our break, send an 800(wide) x 1200(tall) version of your work to DaughterOfTheLilies@gmail, along with your name and what URL of yours that we can link to so that people can see more of your work. I'll start scheduling updates around March 23rd, so that's your due date.

See you Tuesday!