It's time.
Posted November 29, 2016 at 08:16 am

What would you do? 

What should Thistle do?

On a lighter note: boy howdy did I get a lot of fanart in the past week, both at CTN and for Thanksgiving! I was at the time unable to update the site with them on Thursday because I was sick and mostly sleeping or eating or socializing with the in-laws, so I haven't had a chance to feature them until now. 

Thank you again to everyone at CTN who came and say hi, and an additional enthusiastic Thank You! to the people who brought me fanart! Enjoy:


Pieces by Kiki Taylor, Rowan (top), and Lorrie (bottom left)!

PS: Rowan! I just remembered that you wrote your url on the artwork you gave me - but I'm at work and have no way to check it right now. I'll update the site as soon as I am able!